失智症患者的音樂療法 (Music‐based therapeutic interventions for people with dementia)
II型糖尿病的治療與認知障礙或失智症的預防 (Effect of the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus on the development of cognitive impairment and dementia)
Omega-3多不飽和脂肪酸與失智症 (Omega‐3 fatty acids for the treatment of dementia)
失智症患者髖部骨折術後的護理模式 (Rehabilitation for people with dementia following a hip fracture operation)
舞蹈運動療法在失智症患者中的應用 (Dance movement therapy for dementia)
末期失智症患者的姑息治療 (Palliative care interventions in advanced dementia)
行為和環境改變對失智症患者的食物和液體攝入的影響 (Environmental and behavioural modifications for improving food and fluid intake in people with dementia)
失智症患者的情境模擬治療 (Simulated presence therapy for dementia)
針對認知正常人群的電腦化認知功能訓練 (Computerised cognitive training for maintaining cognitive function in cognitively healthy people in late life)
正念減壓治療在失智症患者的家庭照顧者中的應用 (Mindfulness‐based stress reduction for family carers of people with dementia)